Visited by thousands of buyers and sellers each month and providing a transparent and easy to use platform, Business Owner Classifieds provides business owners, brokers, investors and buyers a place to meet through the use of progressive and transparent technologies.
By using the latest online technologies, we are able to bring together a progressive community of buyers, sellers and facilitators of businesses and services through an industry needed and cleanly executed online classifieds site.
We are where buyers and sellers meet! – Business Owner Classifieds.
Influential buyers and sellers engage each other through Business Owner Classifieds to:
- Buy and/or sell businesses, property and equipment
- Research business markets
- Search for reputable business brokers
Visitor Profile:
Buyers looking to buy a business:
- Gender: 67% Male / 33% Female
- $51,341 average House Hold Income(HHI), 11% with HHI over $100,000
- 45% aged between 30-40
- 29% are college graduates
Sellers looking to sell a business:
- Gender: 61% Male / 39% Female
- $98,559 average House Hold Income(HHI), 62% with HHI over $100,000
- 63% aged between 40 and up
- 26% are college graduates
- Miscellaneous (1)